DevScope attended the Annual Convention of Remax

May 13, 2009DevScope attended the Annual Convention of Remax held in Islantilla, Spain, on May 11 and 12.
During this annual event, which was attended by nearly 1500 stakeholders of the Remax Portugal, DevScope was distinguished ,through Rui Barbosa, owner & founder of DevScope, and Luís Barbosa, Software Developer, as Official Partner of Remax for the results achieved in the development of Remax IT & IS Strategy.
According to Rui Barbosa “is very gratifying for us to understand, through direct feed-back of this huge community, that the results of our solutions, allows Remax to reinforce its position of leadership in the real estate market”
Cloud Computing’s Workshop
In the next April 22 is going to take place a workshop on Cloud Computing: Design, Development and Provision of Services. This event was organized by Micro[...]