CyberComm is here to help prevent cyber attacks

Joel Monteiro
June 7, 2023DevScope joined forces with Microsoft Portugal and the Portuguese Center for Cybersecurity (Centro Nacional de Cybersegurança – CNCS) to launch CyberComm in Portugal, a Microsoft Teams application aimed at educating public and private organizations workers about cybersecurity risks and good practices.
First unveiled during the 2022 Microsoft Teams Challenge, CyberComm includes a feed with alerts from the CNCS, while also providing for the distribution of CNCS informative content on topics such as phishing, ransomware, good practices concerning passwords, and misinformation, among others. The app also allows organizations to notify all employees instantly in the event of cybersecurity incidents and attempt to minimize their impact.
“CyberComm is a unique solution on the market that combines DevScope’s experience with artificial intelligence with Microsoft Teams’ strength and CNCS contents’ credibility. We are convinced that this solution will make a difference in the way organizations communicate internally about cybersecurity and train their workers in this critical matter. We are confident that this project will be able to scale up and we will naturally work on incorporating automation and artificial intelligence into the solution.”
– Rui Barbosa, CEO at DevScope
According to the report Challenges to Effective EU Cybersecurity Policy, “Citizens are often vectors for attacks and spreading disinformation since they are likely to be unwittingly exposed to vulnerabilities in cheap and widely distributed devices and software or fall victim to social engineering. Awareness-raising is therefore essential to building effective cyber resilience, yet it is by no means an easy task since it is difficult for non-experts to understand cybersecurity’s complexity and the associated risks.”
The Portuguese Criminal Police (PJ) cybercrime estimates that more than half (52%-55%) of all crime in Portugal in 2022. Globally, between July 2021 and June 2022, Microsoft recorded around 921 password attacks per second, a 74% increase over the same year, and around 710 million phishing emails blocked per week.
“Cybersecurity is everyone’s right and duty. Given the current state of cybersecurity, with the number of attacks growing in number and sophistication, affecting all sectors of economic activity and Public Administration, it is essential that workers are informed and prepared to face threats. With CyberComm, we want Portuguese organizations to have easy access to training tools for their workers so that they are better informed, and therefore more protected.”
– Manuel Dias, National Technology Officer at Microsoft Portugal
Already deployed at TAP and CTT, it’s estimated that CyberComm will impact over 100,000 professionals and will be soon available at several public and private institutions, including Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Administração Regional de Saúde do Norte, Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, the Portuguese Ministry of Justice and the bank Montepio.
Cybercomm is available on Microsoft Teams Apps. If you wish to deploy at your organization, get in touch with our team.

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